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1. Introduction

Differential expression analysis is the process of identifying the genes that are significantly affected by the experimental design. In the example study that we use, Arabidopsis plants were infected or not by a pathogenic bacteria called Pseudomonas syringae DC3000. One comparison of interest could be to identify genes whose expression is affected by the infection with this pathogenic bacteria.

Here, we will see how to perform a simple one-condition experimental comparison using DESeq2. We will compare the transcriptome of Arabidopsis in response to infection by the leaf pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 after 7 days (7 dpi). This will yield a table containing genes \(log_{2}\) fold change and their corrected p-values. We will also see how to create a few typical representations classically used to display RNA-seq results such as volcano plots and heatmaps.

Important note

For differential expression analysis, you should use the raw counts and not the scaled counts. As the DESeq2 model fit requires raw counts (integers), make sure that you use the raw_counts.csv file.

2. Differential expression analysis

We will do all our analysis in a folder, so we can organize our files. Let’s first create a directory using the shell. Then let’s make sure we tell R where the packages are located, and use environmental modules to load R

# create a new directory
mkdir rna_seq

# move into that directory
cd rna_seq

# let's tell R where our R packages are located. If you edited the ~/.Renviron
# file during day 2, then you should be fine. If not, then you can do
export R_LIBS=/project/bims6000/R

# let's make sure R is available for us to use
module load gcc/11.4.0  openmpi/4.1.4 R/4.3.1

# let's load R

2.1 Creating the DESeqDataSet object

Since we do not want to work on all comparisons, we will filter out the samples and conditions that we do not need. Only the mock growth and the P. syringae infected condition will remain.

# Import libraries

# import the samples to conditions correspodence
xp_design <- read.csv("/project/bims6000/data/afternoon/samples_to_conditions.csv",              
                      header = TRUE, 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                      colClasses = rep("character",4))

# filter design file to keep only "mock" and the "infected P. syringae at 7 dpi" conditions.
xp_design_mock_vs_infected <- xp_design %>% 
                              filter(growth == "MgCl2" & dpi == "7")

We then import the gene counting values and call it raw_counts. The gene names have to be changed to the names of the rows of the table for compatibility with DESeq2. This is done using the column_to_rownames() function from the tibble package (contained in tidyverse suite of packages).

# Import the gene raw counts
raw_counts <- read.csv("/project/bims6000/data/afternoon/raw_counts.csv", 
                       header = TRUE, 
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 

# reorder counts columns according to the complete list of samples 
raw_counts <- raw_counts[ , xp_design$sample]

We will now filter both the raw_counts and xp_design objects to keep a one-factor comparison and investigate the leaf transcriptome of Arabidopsis plants whose seeds were MgCl2 treated and whose plants were infected or not with Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 at 7 dpi.

The corresponding code is available below.

# Filter count file accordingly (to keep only samples present in the filtered xp_design file)
raw_counts_filtered <- raw_counts[, colnames(raw_counts) %in% xp_design_mock_vs_infected$sample]

## Creation of the DESeqDataSet
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = raw_counts_filtered, 
                              colData = xp_design_mock_vs_infected, 
                              design = ~ infected)

You can have a glimpse at the DESeqDataSet dds object that you have created. It gives some useful information already.

class: DESeqDataSet 
dim: 33768 8 
metadata(1): version
assays(1): counts
rownames(33768): AT1G01010 AT1G01020 ... ATMG01400 ATMG01410
rowData names(0):
colnames(8): ERR1406305 ERR1406306 ... ERR1406265 ERR1406266
colData names(4): sample growth infected dpi

Important note on factor levels

It is important to make sure that levels are properly ordered so we are indeed using the mock group as our reference level. A positive gene fold change means that the gene is upregulated in the P. syringae condition relatively to the mock condition.

Please consult the dedicated section of the DESeq2 vignette on factor levels.

One way to see how levels are interpreted within the DESeqDataSet object is to display the factor levels.

[1] mock  mock  mock  mock  Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000
[6] Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000
Levels: mock Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000

This shows that the mock level comes first before the Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 level. If this is not correct, you can change it following the dedicated section of the DESeq2 vignette on factor levels.

2.2 Running the DE analysis

Differential gene expression analysis will consist of simply two lines of code:

  1. The first will call the DESeq function on a DESeqDataSet object that you’ve just created under the name dds. It will be returned under the same R object name dds.
  2. Then, results are extracted using the results function on the dds object and results will be extracted as a table under the name res (short for results).
dds <- DESeq(dds)
estimating size factors
estimating dispersions
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
res <- results(dds)

# have a peek at the DESeqResults object 

The theory beyond DESeq2 differential gene expression analysis is beyond this course but nicely explained within the DESeq2 vignette.

Beware of factor levels

If you do not supply any values to the contrast argument of the DESeq function, it will use the first value of the design variable from the design file.

In our case, we will perform a differential expression analysis between mock and Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000.

  1. Which of these two is going to be used as the reference level?
  2. How would you interpret a positive log2 fold change for a given gene?


  1. The mock condition is going to be used as the reference level since m from mock comes before P from Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000.
  2. A positive log2 fold change for a gene would mean that this gene is more abundant in Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 than in the mock condition.

The complete explanation comes from the DESeq2 vignette:

Results tables are generated using the function results, which extracts a results table with log2 fold changes, p values and adjusted p values. With no additional arguments to results, the log2 fold change and Wald test p value will be for the last variable in the design formula, and if this is a factor, the comparison will be the last level of this variable over the reference level (see previous note on factor levels). However, the order of the variables of the design do not matter so long as the user specifies the comparison to build a results table for, using the name or contrast arguments of results.

A possible preferred way is to specify the comparison of interest explicitly. We are going to name this new result object all_genes_results and compare it with the previous one called res.

all_genes_results <- results(dds, contrast = c("infected",                      # name of the factor
                                  "Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000",    # name of the numerator level for fold change
                                  "mock"))                          # name of the denominator level    

If we now compare the res and all_genes_results DESeqResults objects, they should be exactly the same and return a TRUE value.


If not, that means that you should check your factor ordering.

2.3 Extracting the table of differential genes

We can now have a look at the result table that contains all information on all genes (p-value, fold changes, etc).

Let’s take a peek at the first lines.

log2 fold change (MLE): infected Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 vs mock 
Wald test p-value: infected Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 vs mock 
DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
           baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat      pvalue       padj
          <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>   <numeric>  <numeric>
AT1G01010   87.4203      0.3672806  0.211702  1.734897 0.082759060 0.18722371
AT1G01020  477.1530      0.2663723  0.107898  2.468749 0.013558621 0.04572769
AT1G03987   14.6179      1.4707140  0.462673  3.178735 0.001479191 0.00740164
AT1G01030  194.0951      0.9166233  0.276959  3.309597 0.000934304 0.00506641
AT1G03993  175.9825     -0.1084689  0.142106 -0.763293 0.445288450 0.61400086
AT1G01040 1761.9499     -0.0519691  0.076330 -0.680848 0.495967753 0.65803411


  1. What is the biological meaning of a log2 fold change equal to 1 for gene X?
  2. What is the biological meaning of a log2 fold change equal to -1?


  1. A log2 equal to 1 means that gene X has a higher expression (two-fold) in the DC3000 infected condition compared to the mock condition.
  2. A log2 equal to -1 means that gene X has a smaller expression (0.5) in the DC3000 infected condition.

Some explanations about this output:

The results table when printed will provide the information about the comparison, e.g. “log2 fold change (MAP): condition treated vs untreated”, meaning that the estimates are of log2(treated / untreated), as would be returned by contrast=c(“condition”,”treated”,”untreated”).

So in our case, since we specified contrast = c("infected", "Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000", "mock"), the log2FoldChange will return the log2(Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 / mock).

Additional information on the DESeqResult columns is available using the mcols function.


This will indicate a few useful metadata information about our results:

DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
                       type                                                          description
                <character>                                                          <character>
baseMean       intermediate                            mean of normalized counts for all samples
log2FoldChange      results log2 fold change (MLE): infected Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 vs mock
lfcSE               results         standard error: infected Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 vs mock
stat                results         Wald statistic: infected Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 vs mock
pvalue              results      Wald test p-value: infected Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 vs mock
padj                results                                                 BH adjusted p-values

2.4 False discovery rates

When you perform thousands of statistical tests (one for each gene), you will by chance call genes differentially expressed while they are not (false positives). You can control for this by applying certain statistical procedures called multiple hypothesis test correction. The selected α threshold controls for type I error rate: rejecting the null hypothesis (H0 no difference) and therefore affirming that there is a gene expression difference between conditions while there aren’t any. This α value is often set at at α = 0.01 (1%) or α = 0.001 (0.1%) in RNA-seq analyses.

We can count the number of genes that are differentially regulated at a certain α level.


# threshold of p = 0.01
all_genes_results %>% %>% 
  filter(padj < 0.01) %>% 

# threshold of p = 0.001
all_genes_results %>% %>% 
  filter(padj < 0.001) %>% 

You should obtain 4979 differentially expressed genes at 0.01 and 3249 at 0.001 which are quite important numbers: indeed, it corresponds to respectively ~15% and ~10% of the whole number transcriptome (total number of mRNA is 33,768).

Histogram p-values

This blog post explains in detail what you can expect from each p-value distribution profile.

Extracting the table of differential genes

Ok, here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. How can I extract a nicely filtered final table of differential genes? Here it is!

diff_genes <- all_genes_results %>% 
              rownames_to_column("genes") %>% 
              filter(padj < 0.01) %>% 
              arrange(desc(log2FoldChange), desc(padj))

Choosing thresholds

Getting a list of differentially expressed genes means that you need to choose an absolute threshold for the log2 fold change (column log2FoldChange) and the adjusted p-value (column _padj_). Therefore you can make different list of differential genes based on your selected thresholds. It is common to choose a log2 fold change threshold of |1| or |2| and an adjusted p-value of 0.01 for instance.

You could write this file on your disk with write.csv() for instance to save a comma-separated text file containing your results. Ideally, you should save the data-frame all_genes_results on your disk as well.

write.csv(all_genes_results, "all_genes.csv")

3. Volcano plot

For each gene, this plot shows the gene fold change on the x-axis against the p-value plotted on the y-axis.

Here, we make use of a library called EnhancedVolcano which is available through Bioconductor and described extensively on its own GitHub page.

First, we are going to “shrink” the \(\log2\) fold changes to remove the noise associated with fold changes coming from genes with low count levels. Shrinkage of effect size (LFC estimates) is useful for visualization and ranking of genes. This helps to get more meaningful log2 fold changes for all genes independently of their expression level.


resLFC <- lfcShrink(dds = dds, 
                  res = all_genes_results,
                  type = "normal",
                  coef = "infected_Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000_vs_mock") # name or number of the coefficient (LFC) to shrink

To see what coefficients can be extracted, type:

[1] "Intercept"                                   
[2] "infected_Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000_vs_mock"

We can build the Volcano plot rapidly without much customization.

# load the library if not done yet

# The main function is named after the package
tiff("volcano_plot.tiff", width=7, height=7, units="in", res=100)

EnhancedVolcano(toptable = resLFC,              # We use the shrunken log2 fold change as noise associated with low count genes is removed 
                x = "log2FoldChange",           # Name of the column in resLFC that contains the log2 fold changes
                y = "padj",                     # Name of the column in resLFC that contains the p-value
                lab = rownames(resLFC)

default volcano plot

Alternatively, the plot can be heavily customized to become a publication-grade figure.

tiff("publication_ready_volcano_plot.tiff", width=7, height=7, units="in", res=200)

EnhancedVolcano(toptable = resLFC,
                x = "log2FoldChange",
                y = "padj",
                lab = rownames(resLFC),
                xlim = c(-10, +10),
                ylim = c(0,100),
                pCutoff = 1e-06,
                FCcutoff = 2, 
                title = "Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 versus mock \n (fold change cutoff = 2, p-value cutoff = 1e-06)",
                legendPosition = "bottom",
                legendLabSize = 10,
                  'Not sig.',
                  'Log2 fold-change',
                  'p-value & Log2 fold change')

customized volcano plot

4. Heatmap

Heatmap is a representation where values are represented on a color scale. It is usually one of the classic figures part of a transcriptomic study. One can also cluster samples and genes to identify groups of genes that show a coordinated behaviour. Let’s build a nice looking heatmap to display our differential genes one step at a time.

We are going to make use of a library called pheatmap. Here is a minimal example (mtcars is a dataset that comes included with R).

df <- scale(mtcars)


basic heatmap


If you have issues where your heatmap plot is not being shown, run and try to plot again. It should solve your issue.

4.1 Function to scale the raw counts

Let’s get the counts normalized by DESeq2 and look at the first few lines

normalized_counts <- counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)

          ERR1406305  ERR1406306  ERR1406307 ERR1406308 ERR1406263 ERR1406264 ERR1406265 ERR1406266
AT1G01010   85.83575   90.910197   69.891325   59.41828   74.15774  114.25728  106.48797   98.40356
AT1G01020  452.20786  456.549010  398.076675  426.22715  511.29812  588.94434  454.57769  529.34329
AT1G03987   13.95703    4.995066    5.064589    6.33795   16.91317   20.77405   21.75561   27.14581
AT1G01030  153.52736  168.833223  118.511376   97.44598  183.44284  404.05529  229.00639  197.93820
AT1G03993  174.46291  189.812499  190.428537  176.67036  148.31549  162.03760  158.01441  208.11788
AT1G01040 1811.62285 1800.221699 1874.910751 1689.85596 1592.43995 1698.27864 1745.02871 1883.24056

4.2 First version

normalised_counts_only_diff_genes <- normalized_counts %>%
                                     as_tibble(rownames="genes") %>%
                                     filter(genes %in% diff_genes$genes) %>%

We indeed find that we have 4979 genes (rows, p < 0.01) and 8 samples (columns) which corresponds to the number of differential genes identified previously between Mock and DC3000 infected conditions at 7 dpi and with a MgCl2 seed coating. You can also use head() to show the first lines of this table.

Let’s plot our first version of the heatmap.


         cluster_rows = FALSE, 
         cluster_cols = FALSE, 
         scale = "none",
         show_rownames = FALSE, 
         show_colnames = TRUE)

We have removed the genes names with show_rownames = FALSE since they are not readable anymore for such a high number of genes.

first heatmap version

Well….not very useful right?


Do you have an idea of how to improve this heatmap?


The scale on which gene counts are represented is the (main) issue here.
There are a lot of genes for which the number of counts are very low.

4.2 Second version with scaling

When creating a heatmap, it is vital to control how scaling is performed. We can perform a Z-score calculation for each gene so that \(Z = {x - \mu \over \sigma}\) where \(x\) is an individual gene count inside a given sample, \(\mu\) the row mean of for that gene across all samples and \(\sigma\) its standard deviation. We can specify scale = "row" to the pheatmap() function to perform row scaling since gene expression levels will become comparable. So let’s see if this scaling improves our heatmap?


         scale = "row",  
         cluster_rows = FALSE, 
         cluster_cols = FALSE, 
         show_rownames = FALSE, 
         show_colnames = TRUE)

After applying the scaling procedure, the gene expression levels become more comparable. Still, this heatmap isn’t really useful so far.

second heatmap (scaled)

4.3 Third version with genes and samples grouped by profiles

One interesting feature of the heatmap visualisation is the ability to group genes and samples by their expression profile. Let’s see how this heatmap looks with both gene and sample clustering.


         scale = "row",  
         cluster_rows = TRUE,                      
         cluster_cols = TRUE, 
         show_rownames = FALSE, 
         show_colnames = TRUE,
         main = "Clustering on")

third heatmap version (clustered)

This is getting easier to read. Genes with similar profiles that distinguish different samples can be easily visualised.


Do you know how this gene and sample clustering was done? How can you find this out?


Check in the help page related to the pheatmap function (type ?pheatmap) inside R. By default, the clustering distance is euclidean for both rows (genes) and columns (samples). The clustering_method is complete.

You can change this default behavior easily and try other clustering methods (see ?hclust for supported methods).
